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Milton, Massachusetts


David C. Howse is a speaker, leader and performer addressing issues related to the arts and social integration.

Media and Video

Boston Globe Magazine: Perspectives

“A Return to the Human Connection that only Live Performance can Bring”

March 2021

GBH: Open studio with Jared Bowen

January 2021

On this episode of Open Studio With Jared Bowen, which aired on January 29th at 8:30pm on GBH 2 and on, Jared spoke with David Howse, Executive Director of ArtsEmerson, to preview a pair of upcoming shows; Julia and A Brimful of Asha. They will also discuss the theater organization’s recent leadership change and the state of theater.

Boston Globe: VIP Lounge

September 2020

David Howse shares his travel tips with the Boston Globe. (September 2020)

#Justonequestion: COMMENTARY

David Howse on what’s working and what’s not working in this new virtual world for theater. (August 2020)

boston Magazine: 100 MOst Influential People in Boston

David Howse names one of Boston 100 Most Influential People.


David Howse and ArtsEmerson Artistic Director, David Dower, on how ArtsEmerson serves as a model for equity in the Arts.

October 2019

boston Globe: BOLD TYPES

David Howse on ArtsEmerson’s efforts to reflect the city’s diversity on its stage — and in its audience. This article is part of the Boston Globe's "Bold Types" series, which features leaders at businesses throughout the Boston-area.  Howse is the only leader interviewed this season from the arts and culture sector. (July 2019)

Under the Radar (WGBH, 89.7 FM): Fostering Cross-Racial friendships in Communities

Of the many things that can divide Americans — political beliefs, nationality, religion, age, gender identity — one of the most difficult to navigate is race. Even after decades of civil rights gains and positive diversity efforts, racial relations in the U.S. remain fraught. And the tension can be seen at every level of our society, from presidential to personal. But in small groups across the country, there is a quiet effort to develop authentic dialogue through cross-racial friendships. (March 2019)

JFK Library Forum: explOrinG Race THROUGH Drama

Keith Hamilton Cobb, actor and author of American Moor, and David C. Howse, executive director of ArtsEmerson, examine the powerful role performance can play in catalyzing conversations on race, equality, and social challenges with Lizzy Cooper Davis, a professor at Emerson working at the intersection of arts and social justice.  (March 2019)

TEdx Talk: Navigating race with truth and dignitY

Racism exists all around us - in our personal and professional lives - but it doesn't have to define us. What happens when we navigate racism with truth and dignity?